Vincent and Theo play agains each other in Washington Square where Bobby Fisher and many Chess Grand Masters have played before.
Vincent was the real life inspiration for Laurence Fishburne’s character Vinny in the film “Searching for Bobby Fisher”.
Part 2 has the best game.
Vincent was very enthusiastic about this little film. He though I had captured the spirit of this kind of chess. I think he was even proud of it because he asked me to show it to some childhood friends he respected. It is the only time I saw him outside of Washington Square.
This video brings back a lot of memories. Sometimes in the morning, I had the great privilege of playing Vincent with no clock for $1, just for fun, talking, philosophizing. I had to leave the table when a customer would show up. We had great talks.
Today, the chess corner in the Park seems to have lost all his charm and his great characters.
I am glad people can have a glimpse of this golden era. I think Vincent is glad too.
The best to all of you, François

2 minutes and 42 seconds into the game Vinny thinks for 7 seconds to make his move. He decides to sacrifice the Queen with Qd8+. Get the position at the link FILM on the site: catgroove.

Do you think the sacrifice was correct? Let me know.

Vincent - Theo Board
